

Ikland is a small village near Targu Mures, in Transylvania. After the regime change in 1989 my grandfather’s old property was given back to my mother. During the communism a collectivist farm was established on the old ground-plot and a large stable was built up on it. My parents use this field for gardening on the week-ends.

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Zsolt Fekete sr., Zsuzsa, 1975 - Zsolt Fekete jr., Beatrix, 2013
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An exhibition by Zsolt Fekete entitled Zsolt Fekete

According to Hiroshi Sugimoto photography is just like a found object. This is how Zsolt Fekete finds not only the image itself in reality, but also the themes and conceptions – or rather he lets them find him.
His present exhibition is inspired by the autobiography of the artist: he discovers and reveals those bonds which influenced his creative life before and after his father’s death. The central element is a candle lit up on a small metal plate in the memory of his father, that after its extinction melted in a curious form. This motif has two incarnations: the primary one is the photo of the object, which is projected in a literally monumental frame, and includes the experience, the relation with the phenomenon and the object.

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I’m Not Afraid